Out came the Sun/Son, and dried up all the rain…

The rain affects our moods.  Given that we have had so much rain in the Mid-South area lately, the gloomy, doom, downtrodden emotions have been rampant in our atmosphere.  Now with the Corona Virus seemingly threatening to shut down our entire way of life and existence, the level of panic, frenzy, anxiety, and distress seems to be reaching its peak.  When I received word we were closing for extra days in order to contain this virus and quarantine our community in hopes of eradicating this virus before too many got sick, I felt a wave of emotions rush through my body in about twenty seconds.  I have more time at home with my family!  Yay!  I have time to rest and relax even more!  Yay!  Thank God for the Internet, so I can continue to teach my students online!  Yay!  Now flip the emotions….The local stores are closing early and running out of valuable necessities due to panic buying!  No!  The regional libraries are closing, so children will not be able to check out new books to read during the quarantine (and yes, I know what quarantine means!)  No!  Last but not least, our churches are cancelling all extra ministry programs and only having online sermons until further notice!  No!

Anyway, you get the point.  This is not going to be some long, drawn out post about the Corona virus, so you can relax, Mr. or Ms. Reader! Suffice to say, I believe in keeping everyone safe using all means necessary.  😊

The point I want to make today is about our God.  Our God who calls us by name, knows our every thought, and knows exactly what we are going to say or do before we say it or do it!  This same God is in control of EVERYTHING WE ARE GOING THROUGH RIGHT NOW.  We think our administrators have control. We think our government has control.  We think, and let’s laugh at this one, we have control!  Guess what?  In the midst of every decision being made…when will we return to school; when will stores return to their normal hours; when will the general public be allowed to be together at social gatherings again; or when will everyone stop panic buying toilet paper…God is right there, and He never left!

The latter part of Spring Break when closings were just beginning to be an idea, and this past Monday, March 16, 2020, when I had to stay home yet another day, I was in the worst mood!  My whole body felt like I wanted to jump out of my skin, and everything got on my nerves.  My kids were on cloud Nine as they were happy not to be going back to school, but I was fretting when I realized how far behind they were going to fall, as well as fretting about my own students who need me to be with them to make sure they learn what they need to learn before leaving me at the end of their seventh grade year.  My own children needed their teachers, and I, as a teacher, desperately wanted to be with my students.  I slept most of the day as an escape from my thoughts, getting up only to eat with my kids.  (Pathetic pity party, right?)  When I finally decided to go to bed and hopefully rest for the night, I said this prayer, “God, I hand all of this anxiety, anger, frustration, and confusion over to You!  I pray to use this time wisely!”  I fell asleep and slept so peacefully after that.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020:  I woke up and had my usual cup of coffee before the rest of the family made their way into the living room.  Looking out my living room window at the ever present soggy mess that seems to be in our area right now made me roll my eyes yet again.  The desire to get out of this house and return to my teaching job quickly turned to an annoying thorn in my side.  I want to get back to my life, but I am told I can’t right now!  I forced my eyes to close and pray to my God, “God, will this rain ever stop?  God, when will I return to my job?  God, when will this pandemic end, so people can breathe easy again?  God, tell me what to do!  I hand every bit of this OVER TO YOU!”  I opened my eyes, took a few deep breaths, and felt my entire spirit begin to instantly soar!  Something amazing in my heart, soul, and body just took over!  I decided then and there to just get my butt up from the chair and embrace the day, entire soggy outside mess and all!  Sun makes the flowers grow?  Well, you know what?  So does the rain!  I put on my mud boots and stomped through muck to feed my horses and play with my dogs.  I came in carefully through the back door, as not to track through my house, and I instructed my boys to meet me in the kitchen.  I gave each one a few chores to complete, school work to complete, and the rest of the day was spent playing and having fun.

The school work we are doing at home might not be ideal, and it may not even be up to par given that they are not receiving direct teaching instruction.  But be that as it may, my whole demeanor changed when I decided to “embrace the rain” both literal and metaphorical.  I am NOT HAPPY about the horrendous weather we are having lately, and the fact that our traditional Spring Break camping in the hills was ruined thanks to rain only heightened my exasperation.  Then when I found out we were out an extra week thanks to Corona Virus quarantine, and we had no idea how the next few weeks would pan out, my despondency went to new depths.

But now…now, I feel a shift in my emotional being as I accept life on life’s terms.  Ironically enough, when I felt the shift within myself, I glanced out the window and saw the sun begin to rise in the distance.  The Sun of the Universe is always there, even if hidden behind the clouds.  The Son of God is always with us!  The Blessed Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will carry us through this pandemic, and soon enough, we will be able to return to our daily lives that we all remember and love.  So, in the meantime, just embrace the “quarantined stage.”  Hug the rain!  When our world needs to resume to normality again, it will!

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