Go With Your Gut

Does it look good on paper?  Does everything about the entire situation seem to make sense?  Maybe it makes sense in your head, anyway?  Even so, there is a nagging feeling that won’t leave you alone!  Call it your inner voice, God’s voice, soul voice, conscious, gut feeling, or intuition.  Sometimes there are disturbances in our being warning us of danger looming ahead, even when all logical points seem to line up.  Sometimes it is as big as a new job moving you to a new city with new people!  Other times, it is as simple as a washing machine!  I would like to share a story with you that was shared with me long ago by a former pastor. 

Picture Pastor and Pastor’s Wife who encapsulated every perfect descriptive for the makings of great church leaders, parents, and friends.  One day, their washing machine broke down.  Being the parents of four little boys, this event threw a huge hiccup in Pastor’s Wife’s daily goings-on and chores.  Little boys, plus two parents, create heaps of laundry, and the available clean clothing was quickly running out.  It was the suggestion of Pastor’s Wife to go within a day or two to the local store and purchase a new washing machine.  When Pastor brought it to her attention that their finances were not enough to cover the cost of a new washer, Pastor’s Wife suggested they could easily put it on store credit or a current credit card to be paid back later.  The two stressed church leaders prayed over the situation, asking God to simply provide the means to purchase a new appliance in whatever way He saw fit.  They knew God always fulfilled His promises of meeting the needs of His flock and followers.  About seven days went by, and the stress was mounting as quickly as the dirty clothing.  Pastor’s Wife began to get desperate and quickly relayed her fears to Pastor, practically begging him to go to the store now and purchase a new washing machine.  Pastor insisted he did not feel comfortable make a purchase in the present time, explaining “he just had a feeling they needed to wait on God a bit longer.”  How hard this waiting proved to be!

The next day was Sunday, a day for fellowship and worship!  Pastor’s Wife was approached just before service began by a well-known, yet more reserved parishioner.  This parishioner explained how his mind had been bombarded lately of thoughts about Pastor’s family for reasons he did not understand.  Pastor’s Wife stood amazed as she listened to Parishioner give details about his distressing thoughts and how he had a strong “gut feeling” they were in need for something important, maybe a need he could fill.  Pastor’s Wife was unsure as to the proper etiquette of the situation, so she casually mentioned the only thing they were in desperate need of at the moment was a new washing machine.  Parishioner did not hesitate to offer to purchase a brand-new washing machine for them that very Sunday afternoon.  Parishioner emphasized not to worry about buying the cheapest brand or the simplest machine.  Instead, Pastor and Pastor’s wife needed to take their time and make sure the one they selected would fit all of their daily needs.  Parishioner also emphasized he was not doing this to show off or expect any type of payback in return.  He simply knew God had lain them on his heart, and they were needing his assistance.  Bing, bang, boom!  There was a brand-new washing machine filling the need, and God provided in His own way in His own time, not costing Pastor and Pastor’s Wife one cent. 

While our daily troubles, needs, wants, and worries often go far beyond that of a simple household appliance, this simple story carries with it a message from which we can all learn!  The next time a situation or decision looks perfectly glamorous on paper as all the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly, and yet even the most minuscule parts of your heart are telling you something is off; it is time to listen to your heart!  Our inner voice, God’s voice, soul voice, conscious, gut feeling, or intuition is a part of our spiritual make-up to help us see things not seen by the naked eye or logical mind.